Published January 6, 2021

How the changing Green Energy landscape will affect Smart Energy Strategies


This virtual roundtable brings together a group of senior facility managers, energy managers and energy finance leaders to discuss how emerging trends across the green energy sector are affecting smart energy strategies for pharmaceutical & food production companies.

The panellists will take a deep looker into the following questions:

  • Has your organisation implemented any energy efficiency & energy sustainability targets?
  • How has the Covid-19 pandemic affected your energy strategy as a whole? What was the impact on your sustainability targets?
  • What technologies & solutions do you think will help you achieve your targets?
  • What gaps are missing from your energy & sustainability targets? i.e capital, senior stakeholder support, resources
  • What funding models will you use to deploy these energy efficiency & sustainability initiatives? i.e off-balance-sheet 3rd party finance

Rob Leyshon

Marketing Manager

Inspired Business Media