Speaking with Head of IT and Business Systems at Satellite Applications Catapult, Leia Mills
Recently, we had the pleasure of speaking with the Head of IT and Business Systems at Satellite Applications Catapult, Leia Mills, about her career journey in the technology sector.
Leia started her career in the technology space a little later than most. While working as an administrator, Leia was tasked with finding a solution to a problem within the team. After hitting an internal forum to find the answer her eyes were opened to the world of data which she was fascinated by. Leia was then encouraged to apply for a position as a database administrator which kick-started her career in technology. In this interview, Leia shares some fantastic advice for those who may be wanting to make the move into the sector.
“Don’t focus on the challenge, focus on where you want to be”
One of Leia’s biggest achievements has been, not only jumping into the tech industry later in her career but also completing an IT and Computing Degree and Masters while climbing the ranks within the industry. A wonderful achievement and something that definitely requires a great deal of determination and drive. Leia highlights the importance of perseverance when balancing full-time work and study and keeping your focus on the end goal.
Leia has taken on various leadership roles throughout her career and shares her insight into what makes a great leader. From going back to the basics and treating those around you how you would want to be managed to inspiring commitment within your teams, Leia explains how the pillars of a great leader all go back to teamwork and doing what you can to ensure the wider group succeeds.
Being part of the Satellite Applications Catapult Team, Leia is in the midst of the Space and Satellite sector and although her team aren’t “rocket scientists” they play an integral role in the business and the projects they create. The Satellite Applications Catapult Team look at how satellites can support our future and the challenges we’re facing such as climate change, food shortages and space debris and they have many exciting projects coming up.
Check out the full interview below to learn more about Leia and her tips on leadership, getting into the tech sector and more.
*Views and opinions expressed in this interview and article are personal to the interviewer and interviewee and are not those of Satellite Applications Catapult